Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

Operational Quality Management


In assessing risk there are two formula that we use they are :
  • Estimated Time
  1. Mean
  2. Variance of Beta Distribution

  • Analyzing Probabilities

Friday 20 January (3rd Meeting)_ By Mrs. Ria Mudomo

Operational Quality Management

PROJECT AND PRODUCTION                             (extended meeting)

  • Production 
Production is talking about the daily activities of the company. (it is done repeatly)

  • Project
Project is oriented to special activities with limited (limited means that with limit time, budget and special activies with special purpose) required time. (Done once)


Thursday 19 January (2nd Meeting)_ By Mrs. Prahesti Indra

Research Methdology



Thursday 16 January (2nd Meeting)_ By Mrs. Ria Mudomo

Accounting Management



Thursday 19 January (2nd Meeting), By Mrs. Evita Puspitasari

Resource Management in Telco.

  • Fault management
  • Configuration Management
  • Accounting Management
  • Performance Management
  • Security Management


Wednesday 18 January (2nd Meeting)_ By Mr. Gadang Ramantoko

Senin, 23 Januari 2012



Supply and Demand, if we are talking about the supply and demand. they are a force to make the economy in the country works because as in the side of supple there will be buyer or supplier which they make a product and offer the product to the market. In demand side there are the consumer, customer, household, household and many more that that will to buy the product that available in the  market. The example of supply and demand interaction is for example the weather in Parepare is summer, by that on the demand for the ice cream in the market will be high. following the increasing of the demand in the market will trig the increase price of the ice cream and the quantity supply of ice cream is increasing.

  • market
* In this chapter we assume that the market is a perfectly competitive market.
Competitive market / Perfectly competitive market means that there is no participants or seller in the market that can influence the price because in the market there are a lot of buyers and consumers where one of one buyer increase the price, the consumer will move to another buyers.

Demand is the need for product of customer that willing to buy and purchase. In demand side we are on the consumers perspective. the demand in the market always change, it is affected by many factors such as :
  1. Price : The price has big contribution to change / effect the quantity demand in the market because when the price of A is increase people will try to find another product that has cheaper price. for example; when people usually buy chicken but in certain time the price of chicken is increasing so people will choose to buy fish that the price a little bit lower or same with previous chicken price. The increasing price in the market will be followed by the decreasing of quantity demand in the market but the decreasing price in the market will be followed by the increasing of quantity demand.
  2. Income : this factor could be influence the quantity demand because when a person lost his job or decrease in income, he should be buy spend in total. The Increasing  in income could be trig quantity demand increase but the decreasing in income would be following by the decreasing of quantity demand for certain product and it is called normal good but if another product respond to increase by the decreasing of the income increase, that product is inferior good.
  3. Prices of related Goods : price of the related good means that when the one product decrease it will make increase in another product. for example if the price of the computer falls  it will make an increasing quantity demand for the software.
  4. Taste : It is the factor that less related with with economical theory for demand changing because talking about taste, it is more oriented to personality, psychological and historical to purchase the product, if we like the product we will buy more even the price increase.
  5. Expectation : It is talking about the assessment price of people. when we think that our income will increase next month we will have more buying in for certain product for next month and less today. The second is when the price of laptop will decrease next month, there will be decreasing in quantity demand today but increasing quantity demand for next month.

  •  Factors that affect shifting in Demand Curve

    • SUPPLY
    Now we are talking about supply. In the supply we are on the side of seller or we see the situation in the perspective of sellers. we will study about the behavior of seller that how many seller can sell, what is the respond of the seller refer to the demand and how is the change in supply in change in demand.

    In the supply there are few factors that affect in change to the supply side. they are ;
    1. Price : The changing price would be affect more in the supply side or seller side. if the price of product in the market increase, it would be follow by the increase quantity supply and if the price of product decrease it would be follow by the decrease of the quantity supply. for example, the price of ice cream from to $1 to $3, the seller will supply more to the market but if the price of product decrease to $0,5, the supplier would supply less.
    2. Input Price : This factor effect to the raw material. when one of the materials to make product is increasing, it would make the production cost increase which is refer to less profit in the sells. Less profit will make the supplier to supply less and tend to keep the product until the price in the market increase or the material price increase.
    3. Technology : This factor is same with the Input Price factor but the different is this side effect to the production process. If there is development technology which is make the production process more faster and efficiency of course seller would supply more vice versa.
    4. Expectation : In this factor effect that when the expectation or the assessment of the seller that the price in the market would be increased next month. The seller tend to save the product in the strorage today and the product would supply next month.

        • The Supply Schedule and the Supply Curve
          In this side we study about how is the effect of the price to the supply side.
          * Table Schedule

          from the Supply schedule we could see that when the price is in the market increase, it would be follow by the supplier to supply more but when the price in the product become $0 or free the supplier supply none. so we conclude that the rises in the the price means the rises in quantity supply also.

          • Market Supply Versus Individual Supply
           In the Market supply, we see the supply or seller in the market scope. Market scope means that we sum all the sellers that available in the market and the quantity supple in the market available to sell by the sellers.

          Individual Supply means that we count only one supplier that how many product the he / she could supply in the market.

          •  Factors that able affect shift in supply curve
          from the five factors only the price factor makes the curve shifting alone.

          • Glossary
          1. market = a group of buyers and sellers of a particular good or service.
          2. competitive market a market in which there are many buyers and many sellers so that each has a negligible impact on the market price
          3. quantity demanded = It is the total numbers of the demand for product in the market.
            (book : the amount of a good that buyers are willing and able to purchase)
          4. law of demand = It is the characteristics of the demand that when the price rises, the quantity demand increase and when the price is increasing the quantity demand would falls. (book : the claim that, other things equal, the quantity demanded of a good falls when the price of the good rises)
          5. Normal good = It is  product that people choose when the income of the people decrease or increase.
            (Book : a good for which, other things equal, an increase in income leads to a decrease in demand)
          6. Substitutes = It is when one of the price of goods is decreasing, it means an increasing demand for another product.
            (Book : Two goods for which, other things equal, an increase in income leads to decrease in demand.)
          7. Complements = It is two products and pairs in use that when one the product's price decrease, based on the law of demand we will buy it more but in this concept we will buy more another product because it is used together for example chocolate and ice cream.
            (Book : Two goods for which an increase in the price of one leads to a decrease in the demand the other )
          8. Demand Schedule = the table here shows the numbers between the demand in the market and price in the market.
            (Book : a table that shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demand)
          9. Demand Curve = this curve shows on the graph when the point of price and quantity demand.
            (Book : A graph of the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded )
          10. Ceteris Paribus = it is the condition when all the variables are constant but the variable we are studying is not.
            (book : A Latin phrase, translate as "other things  being equal," used as a reminder that all variables other than the ones being studied are assumed to be constant)
          11. Market Demand = Market Demand is the sum of the all buyers in the market.
            (Book : the quantity demanded in a market is the sum of the quantities demanded by all the buyers.)
          12. Quantity Supplied = It is the total amount that the sellers able to supply or sell in the market.
            (Book : The amount of a good that seller are willing and able to sell)
          13. Law of Supply = It is the respond of supply that it will rise when the price of the good rises in the market.
            (Book : The claim that, other things equal, the quantity supplied of a good rises when the price of th good rises)
          14. Supply Schedule = It is the table shows the relationship in numbers between the supply and the price of the good in the market.
            (Book : A table that shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied)
          15. Supply Curve = It appears in the table of supply that shows the relation between the price of the good and the quantity supply point meet.
            (Book : A graph of the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demand supplied).
          16. Equilibrium = It appears on the graph when the point price and quantity is met.
            (Book : A situation in which supply and demand have been brought into balance)
          17. Law of Supply and  Demand = It is the condition where the price of any good is tried to adjust the point of supply and demand.
            (Book : The claim that the price of any good adjust to bring the supply and demand  for that good in balance)

          Tuesday 17 january, By Mr. Arief Bustame

          Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

          Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

          Operational and Quality Management



          Jumat 13 January (1st Meeting), By Mrs. Prahesti Indra

          Service Management Operational


          13 January (1st Meeting), By Mrs. Tengku Hedi Tsafinah

          Business Satistics

          Business Statistic

          - Statistic = It is a knowledge talking about the data
          - there are 4 steps to collect data they are :
          1. Collect Data
          2. Present
          3. Analyze 
          4. Conclude

          - Measurement Scale consists of 4 they are :
          *Quality Concept
          A. Nominal = show the quality of an object or subject by represent it on data and it is uncountable. 
          for example = NPM, NIS, Number of Street, or when I study I will represent me in the college for example the code of male is 1 and the code for female is 2. so the nominal data of mine when input in the computer will be 1.
          B. Ordinal = It is the represent of the subject or object on numbers and the quality could be see from the order of the data in the set value of data. for example ; in the competition there are 5 five participants and the winners will be qualified or categorize by their numbers. first winner will be represent for Number 1 and so on.

          *Quantitative Concept
          C. Interval = It is represent the data with the same value of data but different meanings for example 0 fahrenheit is different with another 0 in temprature.
          D. Ratio = same with the Interval but the zero is absolute.

          - Statistics consist of two kinds of data they are :
          A. Descriptive Data = The data in here is still pure or need to be analyze, summerize and calculate to get certain information based what we need and the characteristic data is by presenting the data after we get the conclusion from the data itself. Descriptive Data is "numeric data" that consist of :
          1. Mean    = It is calculating the data by add the total data and then divide by the total amount of datas.
          for example :
          6 8 24 12 9
          X = 59 / 5 = 11,8

          2. Median = It is the Middle value in the frequent in data set and should be orderly.
          For Example : 1 2 7 9 7 9 7 3 5 => 1 2 7 7 7 9 9 3 5
          so the median is : 7

          3. Modus  = It is most frequent value in data set.
          for example : 1 2 7 7 7 9 9 3 5
          so the Modus is : 7

          4. Interval.

          12 January (1st Meeting), By Mrs. New Lecture

          Accounting management


          12 January (1st Meeting), By Mrs. Evita Puspitasari

          Senin, 16 Januari 2012

          Research Methodology

          Hyphotetico Deductive

          - Hypothetico Deductive :
          It is a process of observation that proposed thing to observe, research, analyze and testing whether it is right or not. An Observation that contrary with the prediction we call it as a evidence that against the hypothesis but hypothesis that run with the prediction it is as corroborating the hypothesis. We can conclude that in the process Hypothetico Deductive, it consists of two sides they are :
          1. Contrary Observation that evidence against Prediction.
          2. Corroborating Observation that run in line with the prediction.

          - hypothetico consists of two :
          1. Inductive  => It is a condition where the we become the object and all around comes to hypothesis to observe, testing whether it is suit or not.
          2. Deductive => It is a condition which we come to the to object and observe it. This process also as the step to develop theory to the hypothesis, after the theory has been done it will jump to hypothetico inductive which is to test with the hypothesis.

          - Types of Research :
          1. Applied Research => It is a research that deal to solve a problem that generally occur in the employees or in the organization. Applied Research is empirical data (Data gain by observation and Experiment)
          2. Basic Research => research to generate a body of knowledge by trying to comprehend / understand how certain the problems occur in organization and to solve it. It understand the process of the object, how does it operate, how does it respond to the others.

          Deductive and Inductive thinking Video :

          Glossary :
          - Empirical : The word empirical denotes information gained by means of observation or experimentation.
          - Social science : Social science is the field of study concerned with society[1] and human behavior. "Social science" is commonly used as an umbrella term to refer to a plurality of fields outside of the natural sciences, usually excluding the administrative or managerial sciences.
          12 January (1st Meeting), by Mrs. Ria Mudomo

          Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

          Resource Management In Telecommucination

          Network Management Basics

          - What is the Network Management :
          Network management is a process to control, daily check and care the network in the good and ready condition because Network is complex thing, Dynamic and we can not full sure for the long endurance without care the network. To achieve we also need good tools to support the process of the network and arrange the network.

          - What is the main resource :
          Infrastructure become the resource of the Network Management because without good Infrastructure, people can not dial when we make a phone call and it also occur when we type http or https. when we type it and then enter it means that we ask / dial for the IP we set.

          - Infrastructure commonly cosist of two elements :
          A. Not Telecom Specific :
          1. Human Capital
          2. land
          3. money
          4. Frequency
          A. Radio Specific :
          1. Customer Database

          - Why do we have to manage and how ?
          1. Value : We manage how much investment /infrastructure that we need to available it and how much the cost it takes
          2. Important : By managing the network, what is the effect to our company and how important the network that has to manage.
          3. Time : How long / Period will you take to maintain the infrastructure
          4. Loss : if we do not manage, how many lost / damage to the business.
          (All the four point reflect to the reliability service)

          - What is Network management :
          1. BSC (based Service Controller)
          2. MSC (Mobile Switching Controller)
          3. BTS (Final Destruction)
          1. Network Consultant
          2. Protocol Analyzer : Translate the language, no matter what the "nation" (Machine Visualization) (in the old days, once you have A machine, then it only interact w/A, while now its much established)
          1. Dist Database : Single Database
          2. Auto Polling : Asking question regularly (the condition)
          3. High-end workstation : Visualization of result of polling
          (those three point are Graphical Visualization)
          D. Network Management : A service that requires tools that is used to assist.

          - ISO Network management Model : FCAPS

          11 January 2012 (1st Meeting), By Gadang Ramantoko

          Rabu, 11 Januari 2012



          - Economics =  It is about how the people, individuals or societies to used the scarce resource that nature and previous generation have provided. the key word of this term is choose. Economics is a behavioral, social, science and in the large scope, economics is about people make a choice.

          - Reason we study economics =  The reasons are ;
          1. Learn Way of thinking : To understand the way of thinking in economics, firstly we have to know the three concepts of "Way of Thinking" on it they are :
          a. Opportunity Cost : it is the best choice the we forget after we make a decision, it occurs when peope have decide something and then doing it but there is another things that have more value and benefits. for example if I have to choose going to college or talking with friends. if my condition as a student that near will have an exam and then I choose to talk with my friends, it means that the decision for going to college is the "Opportunity Cost" because by attending the college it gives me more understanding on my exam and I could pass it. the point is Opportunity cost is the best alternative of any decision that has most value rather than any decision based on current condition.
          b. Marginalism : It is the process of analyzing incremental activity or additional activity. so from the planning that we will finish the mission for 2 hours, it is included eat, transportation, living cost but because of there a delay or Delay of job, the mission shall take for 4 hours, it means that the additional cost of 2 hours we will count as  marginalism because there is increasing cost from the plant. In additional there also called as Sunk Cost it is the cost we can avoided refer what is done in the future. sometimes the increasing of marginalism will be follow by marginal Benefits.(the benefits that we from marginalism which is they are equal)

          c. Efficient Market : It is one the efficient market the eliminated the benefits instantaneously. from what I got, it is the market that not only provided product but also information as it is worth to the product itself. the temporary understanding that I got is efficient market has no physical market but it is like investment market,  stock market and many more.

          2. Understand Society : This concept means that by Economics we understand the development society life because as we know that the needs and the lifestyle of people in the world is Heterogeneous or Various it means that they will always change time by time. By understand it we can know the needs, demand or lifestyle in specific country and then we fulfill that needs or demand.

          3. To understand Global affairs : By this we can understand the global affair and the impact of the global affair in one country for example the big affair on 22 september in washintong dc which one of the greatest building hit by the plane that promoted by terrorist attack.
          4. To be Informed Voter : It is become as the basic knowledge that we have when we want to vote for something. The knowledge of economics or else could be become important because we can choose rationally and know the prospect the candidate we will vote.

          - Economics = Economics consist of two scope, they are ;
          1. Microeconomics = It is study about the branches of economics that studies and analyze the economic behavioral, functioning, and decision of societies(People), firms, and Government. It study the correlation occur on it.

          2. Macroeconomics = It is dealing with the performance, wages of the employment, GDP, Unemployment in the country, structural behavior and about national decision making in the future. Macro economics has larger scope than Microeconomics because it is in national scale.

          -  Economics = In economics there are three elements that integrate together they are Firms, Household (consumer) and Government. Those three elements are in the activity of Microeconomics scale. for the Firms that produce and supply product sell the product to the customer and then the customer buy the product, in the concept between firms and consumer there is Government that gives a rules to keep the process keep going,.

          Glossary :
          - Positive Economics : An approach to economics that understand the behavioral and the operation os system without making Judgements. It describes what exists and how it works and also how is the change of the fact. For example on early of September the price of Sugar is increase form $3kg to $6kg. 
          - Normative Economics : Normative Economics is approach that understand about the fairness of economic policy in the market. It expressed whether the policy in the market that have been applied by the government is suitable for the people or not or whether it is fair to the current condition of the people now.
          - Descriptive Economics : It is the compilation of data that describe the phenomena and facts.
          - Economics Theory : It is statement or set of statements that has relation that describe of each respond for Cause, Effect, Action and Reaction.

          - Models : It is Simple model from the complex thing to make the reader easier to understand. It is usually in Mathematical way. Sometimes Economist use Model to easier understand the concept of the subject they are learning. The point is Model is the simple concept from complex thing.

          - Incentives : It is something that encourage and induce someone to act.

          - Ceteris Paribus : It is the condition where the connection of two Variables are same while another value held unchanged.

          - Post Hoc ergo propter oc : this theory about this one thing will be occur without the existing or causation of B. event the existing B will also caused the existing A to the C.

           10 January 2012 (1st Meeting), By Mr. Arief Bustamen

          Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

          Telecommunication Business Marketing

          Telecommunication prospect

          - Product : It is represent the things that produced or done by the labor or company to fulfill the customer needs in the market. Product can be tangible and intangible things.

          - Goods and Service = it is represent the things that produce or effort by the company or the labor. Goods is tangible that can touch, smell, and see but for Service, it can be touch and smell. from the perspective of the customer, Service tend to make the customer become passive user where the employee will do more the job rather than the customer. Customer only enjoy and see the result of employee's effort but on Goods, Customer become more active to the product itself. Firstly customer has to buy and then he/she has to know how to use and where should be use it.

          - Industry = It a field of business or a group of companies that work and trade on the same product. for example Industry Technology, the companies in industry technology will be such HP, TOSHIBA, SONY, and etc. Industry also could be produced goods and also sell the product.

           - Marketing = It is the process from analyzing the market. Analyzing what kind of product needs, what kind of products that proper to sell in the market and then after analyzing the product, we are going to assess market again that how to deliver the product in the market that could be accepted in the market or by the customer. At the process of introducing the new product, this step is focused on how to gives good brand and gives positive message to the customer in order they have willing to buy the product.
          (Wikipedia = is defined as a organizational function or a set of process for creating, communication, delivering values to the customer and for managing relationship to the customer to bring benefits for the organizational and its stakeholders.It is underlines techniques sales, business communication and business development.)

          - Marketing Strategy = It is the process of the Firm / Organization to concentrate to its limited resource to the optimal result. It is like make a limitation to make an effective way to achieve specific goal. In this process company will throw away the unimportant and irrelevant things with the goal.

          - Holistic Marketing = ( A marketing strategy that is developed by thinking about the business as a whole, its place in the broader economy and society and in the lives of its customer. It attempts to develop and maintain multiple perspectives on the company commercial activities. For main components of Holistic Marketing  relationship marketing - integrated marketing - internal marketing - and socially responsible marketing. *BusinessDictionary )
          From my understanding is Holistic Marketing is is the strategy marketing that see a business in wider concept that include society, lifestyle, behavior of the customer and what is the trend style in the market. It get more wider in one packet for all of that and then use it for business future / prospect.

          - Marketing Mix = it is a tool that used to fulfill the customer from 4 elements they are :
          1. Product : it is product that fulfill customer needs. we will analyze what the customer needs in the market and then we make the product to fulfill that wants or needs from the customer. product could be tangible and intangible
          2. Price : after the existing of the product we determine the price of the product. it show the amount of the customers have to pay to our product and also as the value of our product in the market. when we determine the product we have to concern also to the costumers perceived value whether our price is not too high or too low from their perceived. Price should balance with the another elements.
          3. Promotion : it is the process for the marketer to communicate and deliver information about the product. Promotion also has many elements or media to promote the product such as ; TV, Cinema Commercial, Advertising, Billboard, Paper advertise, Radio and Many more.
          4. Place : it is the step that we make an convenient to the customer that there is physical place and easy to access if the customer want to buy our products. The easy access to the place could be also as the marketing strategy because people will prefer to buy in our place because the easy access of the place.

          Those are the basic elements of the marketing mix which are consist of Product, Price, Place and Promotion. Marketing mix is not an exact science like finance or mathematics, it can be change during the time. the elements of marketing mix has been added into 7 elements. The another three are Process, Physical Evidence and People.

          - How is the Telecommunication Business Marketing
          The prospect of Telecommunication Business is quite compromising because as we know that everyone needs to communicate for kinds of needs, it might be for business, family time, talk with girlfriend, or as the announcement and many more. Communication is very needed now. Globally the prospect of telecommunication is really good because as we can see the development of Telecommunication Technology keep developing and forwarding.
          Telecommunication Business in Indonesia is quite compromising too because population in Indonesia around 180 millions people and the customer are heterogeneous. 75% of Indonesia people use Mobile Phone and the 75% are from many concept class of people, starting Low people, Middle People and Top people. From low people it could be Tukang Ojek, Taxi Driver, etc. Top people and Middle people are Businessman, Teacher, Engineering and many more. The various class of the customers in Indonesia the needs and demand become various too because the needs of Telecommunication gadget for low people is different with the needs for the Middle and Top people, because of that it makes the Telecommunication Market more various with high demand to the market. Indonesian Customer also still do not really know how enhance and optimize the using of their gadget. They just want to use the newest gadget but do not how is the specific function of the gadget itself because of that Indonesian customer just a user of telecommunication Technology. They can not become Inventor or Innovator for the technology.

          Glossary :
          - Customer Perceived Value : it is the perception from the customer to estimate how much the price of the product and is it relational in the current condition. It can be affect by many things such as Culture, Lifestyle, Nature Resource and many more.
          - Vertical Integration : it is one the process to expand the business by the owned from supply aspect, distribution aspect and until delivering the product to the market. for example ; Pertamina. Pertamina handle form how to produce the oil and then they filter it and after that they sell it into the market.
          - Horizontal Integration : it is one of strategies to expand the business in same sector. for example a big company merger or franchising to make their market larger.
          - Internal Marketing : it is the process occur within company that arrange about employee satisfaction, strategy of the company, management of the company, tighten the links between employee brand experience and customer brand satisfaction and also to make good deliver to the customer.

          9 January 2012(1st Meeting), By Mrs. Maya Ariyanti