Senin, 23 Januari 2012



Supply and Demand, if we are talking about the supply and demand. they are a force to make the economy in the country works because as in the side of supple there will be buyer or supplier which they make a product and offer the product to the market. In demand side there are the consumer, customer, household, household and many more that that will to buy the product that available in the  market. The example of supply and demand interaction is for example the weather in Parepare is summer, by that on the demand for the ice cream in the market will be high. following the increasing of the demand in the market will trig the increase price of the ice cream and the quantity supply of ice cream is increasing.

  • market
* In this chapter we assume that the market is a perfectly competitive market.
Competitive market / Perfectly competitive market means that there is no participants or seller in the market that can influence the price because in the market there are a lot of buyers and consumers where one of one buyer increase the price, the consumer will move to another buyers.

Demand is the need for product of customer that willing to buy and purchase. In demand side we are on the consumers perspective. the demand in the market always change, it is affected by many factors such as :
  1. Price : The price has big contribution to change / effect the quantity demand in the market because when the price of A is increase people will try to find another product that has cheaper price. for example; when people usually buy chicken but in certain time the price of chicken is increasing so people will choose to buy fish that the price a little bit lower or same with previous chicken price. The increasing price in the market will be followed by the decreasing of quantity demand in the market but the decreasing price in the market will be followed by the increasing of quantity demand.
  2. Income : this factor could be influence the quantity demand because when a person lost his job or decrease in income, he should be buy spend in total. The Increasing  in income could be trig quantity demand increase but the decreasing in income would be following by the decreasing of quantity demand for certain product and it is called normal good but if another product respond to increase by the decreasing of the income increase, that product is inferior good.
  3. Prices of related Goods : price of the related good means that when the one product decrease it will make increase in another product. for example if the price of the computer falls  it will make an increasing quantity demand for the software.
  4. Taste : It is the factor that less related with with economical theory for demand changing because talking about taste, it is more oriented to personality, psychological and historical to purchase the product, if we like the product we will buy more even the price increase.
  5. Expectation : It is talking about the assessment price of people. when we think that our income will increase next month we will have more buying in for certain product for next month and less today. The second is when the price of laptop will decrease next month, there will be decreasing in quantity demand today but increasing quantity demand for next month.

  •  Factors that affect shifting in Demand Curve

    • SUPPLY
    Now we are talking about supply. In the supply we are on the side of seller or we see the situation in the perspective of sellers. we will study about the behavior of seller that how many seller can sell, what is the respond of the seller refer to the demand and how is the change in supply in change in demand.

    In the supply there are few factors that affect in change to the supply side. they are ;
    1. Price : The changing price would be affect more in the supply side or seller side. if the price of product in the market increase, it would be follow by the increase quantity supply and if the price of product decrease it would be follow by the decrease of the quantity supply. for example, the price of ice cream from to $1 to $3, the seller will supply more to the market but if the price of product decrease to $0,5, the supplier would supply less.
    2. Input Price : This factor effect to the raw material. when one of the materials to make product is increasing, it would make the production cost increase which is refer to less profit in the sells. Less profit will make the supplier to supply less and tend to keep the product until the price in the market increase or the material price increase.
    3. Technology : This factor is same with the Input Price factor but the different is this side effect to the production process. If there is development technology which is make the production process more faster and efficiency of course seller would supply more vice versa.
    4. Expectation : In this factor effect that when the expectation or the assessment of the seller that the price in the market would be increased next month. The seller tend to save the product in the strorage today and the product would supply next month.

        • The Supply Schedule and the Supply Curve
          In this side we study about how is the effect of the price to the supply side.
          * Table Schedule

          from the Supply schedule we could see that when the price is in the market increase, it would be follow by the supplier to supply more but when the price in the product become $0 or free the supplier supply none. so we conclude that the rises in the the price means the rises in quantity supply also.

          • Market Supply Versus Individual Supply
           In the Market supply, we see the supply or seller in the market scope. Market scope means that we sum all the sellers that available in the market and the quantity supple in the market available to sell by the sellers.

          Individual Supply means that we count only one supplier that how many product the he / she could supply in the market.

          •  Factors that able affect shift in supply curve
          from the five factors only the price factor makes the curve shifting alone.

          • Glossary
          1. market = a group of buyers and sellers of a particular good or service.
          2. competitive market a market in which there are many buyers and many sellers so that each has a negligible impact on the market price
          3. quantity demanded = It is the total numbers of the demand for product in the market.
            (book : the amount of a good that buyers are willing and able to purchase)
          4. law of demand = It is the characteristics of the demand that when the price rises, the quantity demand increase and when the price is increasing the quantity demand would falls. (book : the claim that, other things equal, the quantity demanded of a good falls when the price of the good rises)
          5. Normal good = It is  product that people choose when the income of the people decrease or increase.
            (Book : a good for which, other things equal, an increase in income leads to a decrease in demand)
          6. Substitutes = It is when one of the price of goods is decreasing, it means an increasing demand for another product.
            (Book : Two goods for which, other things equal, an increase in income leads to decrease in demand.)
          7. Complements = It is two products and pairs in use that when one the product's price decrease, based on the law of demand we will buy it more but in this concept we will buy more another product because it is used together for example chocolate and ice cream.
            (Book : Two goods for which an increase in the price of one leads to a decrease in the demand the other )
          8. Demand Schedule = the table here shows the numbers between the demand in the market and price in the market.
            (Book : a table that shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demand)
          9. Demand Curve = this curve shows on the graph when the point of price and quantity demand.
            (Book : A graph of the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded )
          10. Ceteris Paribus = it is the condition when all the variables are constant but the variable we are studying is not.
            (book : A Latin phrase, translate as "other things  being equal," used as a reminder that all variables other than the ones being studied are assumed to be constant)
          11. Market Demand = Market Demand is the sum of the all buyers in the market.
            (Book : the quantity demanded in a market is the sum of the quantities demanded by all the buyers.)
          12. Quantity Supplied = It is the total amount that the sellers able to supply or sell in the market.
            (Book : The amount of a good that seller are willing and able to sell)
          13. Law of Supply = It is the respond of supply that it will rise when the price of the good rises in the market.
            (Book : The claim that, other things equal, the quantity supplied of a good rises when the price of th good rises)
          14. Supply Schedule = It is the table shows the relationship in numbers between the supply and the price of the good in the market.
            (Book : A table that shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied)
          15. Supply Curve = It appears in the table of supply that shows the relation between the price of the good and the quantity supply point meet.
            (Book : A graph of the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demand supplied).
          16. Equilibrium = It appears on the graph when the point price and quantity is met.
            (Book : A situation in which supply and demand have been brought into balance)
          17. Law of Supply and  Demand = It is the condition where the price of any good is tried to adjust the point of supply and demand.
            (Book : The claim that the price of any good adjust to bring the supply and demand  for that good in balance)

          Tuesday 17 january, By Mr. Arief Bustame

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