Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

Business Satistics

Business Statistic

- Statistic = It is a knowledge talking about the data
- there are 4 steps to collect data they are :
1. Collect Data
2. Present
3. Analyze 
4. Conclude

- Measurement Scale consists of 4 they are :
*Quality Concept
A. Nominal = show the quality of an object or subject by represent it on data and it is uncountable. 
for example = NPM, NIS, Number of Street, or when I study I will represent me in the college for example the code of male is 1 and the code for female is 2. so the nominal data of mine when input in the computer will be 1.
B. Ordinal = It is the represent of the subject or object on numbers and the quality could be see from the order of the data in the set value of data. for example ; in the competition there are 5 five participants and the winners will be qualified or categorize by their numbers. first winner will be represent for Number 1 and so on.

*Quantitative Concept
C. Interval = It is represent the data with the same value of data but different meanings for example 0 fahrenheit is different with another 0 in temprature.
D. Ratio = same with the Interval but the zero is absolute.

- Statistics consist of two kinds of data they are :
A. Descriptive Data = The data in here is still pure or need to be analyze, summerize and calculate to get certain information based what we need and the characteristic data is by presenting the data after we get the conclusion from the data itself. Descriptive Data is "numeric data" that consist of :
1. Mean    = It is calculating the data by add the total data and then divide by the total amount of datas.
for example :
6 8 24 12 9
X = 59 / 5 = 11,8

2. Median = It is the Middle value in the frequent in data set and should be orderly.
For Example : 1 2 7 9 7 9 7 3 5 => 1 2 7 7 7 9 9 3 5
so the median is : 7

3. Modus  = It is most frequent value in data set.
for example : 1 2 7 7 7 9 9 3 5
so the Modus is : 7

4. Interval.

12 January (1st Meeting), By Mrs. New Lecture

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