Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

Telecommunication Business Marketing

Telecommunication prospect

- Product : It is represent the things that produced or done by the labor or company to fulfill the customer needs in the market. Product can be tangible and intangible things.

- Goods and Service = it is represent the things that produce or effort by the company or the labor. Goods is tangible that can touch, smell, and see but for Service, it can be touch and smell. from the perspective of the customer, Service tend to make the customer become passive user where the employee will do more the job rather than the customer. Customer only enjoy and see the result of employee's effort but on Goods, Customer become more active to the product itself. Firstly customer has to buy and then he/she has to know how to use and where should be use it.

- Industry = It a field of business or a group of companies that work and trade on the same product. for example Industry Technology, the companies in industry technology will be such HP, TOSHIBA, SONY, and etc. Industry also could be produced goods and also sell the product.

 - Marketing = It is the process from analyzing the market. Analyzing what kind of product needs, what kind of products that proper to sell in the market and then after analyzing the product, we are going to assess market again that how to deliver the product in the market that could be accepted in the market or by the customer. At the process of introducing the new product, this step is focused on how to gives good brand and gives positive message to the customer in order they have willing to buy the product.
(Wikipedia = is defined as a organizational function or a set of process for creating, communication, delivering values to the customer and for managing relationship to the customer to bring benefits for the organizational and its stakeholders.It is underlines techniques sales, business communication and business development.)

- Marketing Strategy = It is the process of the Firm / Organization to concentrate to its limited resource to the optimal result. It is like make a limitation to make an effective way to achieve specific goal. In this process company will throw away the unimportant and irrelevant things with the goal.

- Holistic Marketing = ( A marketing strategy that is developed by thinking about the business as a whole, its place in the broader economy and society and in the lives of its customer. It attempts to develop and maintain multiple perspectives on the company commercial activities. For main components of Holistic Marketing  relationship marketing - integrated marketing - internal marketing - and socially responsible marketing. *BusinessDictionary )
From my understanding is Holistic Marketing is is the strategy marketing that see a business in wider concept that include society, lifestyle, behavior of the customer and what is the trend style in the market. It get more wider in one packet for all of that and then use it for business future / prospect.

- Marketing Mix = it is a tool that used to fulfill the customer from 4 elements they are :
1. Product : it is product that fulfill customer needs. we will analyze what the customer needs in the market and then we make the product to fulfill that wants or needs from the customer. product could be tangible and intangible
2. Price : after the existing of the product we determine the price of the product. it show the amount of the customers have to pay to our product and also as the value of our product in the market. when we determine the product we have to concern also to the costumers perceived value whether our price is not too high or too low from their perceived. Price should balance with the another elements.
3. Promotion : it is the process for the marketer to communicate and deliver information about the product. Promotion also has many elements or media to promote the product such as ; TV, Cinema Commercial, Advertising, Billboard, Paper advertise, Radio and Many more.
4. Place : it is the step that we make an convenient to the customer that there is physical place and easy to access if the customer want to buy our products. The easy access to the place could be also as the marketing strategy because people will prefer to buy in our place because the easy access of the place.

Those are the basic elements of the marketing mix which are consist of Product, Price, Place and Promotion. Marketing mix is not an exact science like finance or mathematics, it can be change during the time. the elements of marketing mix has been added into 7 elements. The another three are Process, Physical Evidence and People.

- How is the Telecommunication Business Marketing
The prospect of Telecommunication Business is quite compromising because as we know that everyone needs to communicate for kinds of needs, it might be for business, family time, talk with girlfriend, or as the announcement and many more. Communication is very needed now. Globally the prospect of telecommunication is really good because as we can see the development of Telecommunication Technology keep developing and forwarding.
Telecommunication Business in Indonesia is quite compromising too because population in Indonesia around 180 millions people and the customer are heterogeneous. 75% of Indonesia people use Mobile Phone and the 75% are from many concept class of people, starting Low people, Middle People and Top people. From low people it could be Tukang Ojek, Taxi Driver, etc. Top people and Middle people are Businessman, Teacher, Engineering and many more. The various class of the customers in Indonesia the needs and demand become various too because the needs of Telecommunication gadget for low people is different with the needs for the Middle and Top people, because of that it makes the Telecommunication Market more various with high demand to the market. Indonesian Customer also still do not really know how enhance and optimize the using of their gadget. They just want to use the newest gadget but do not how is the specific function of the gadget itself because of that Indonesian customer just a user of telecommunication Technology. They can not become Inventor or Innovator for the technology.

Glossary :
- Customer Perceived Value : it is the perception from the customer to estimate how much the price of the product and is it relational in the current condition. It can be affect by many things such as Culture, Lifestyle, Nature Resource and many more.
- Vertical Integration : it is one the process to expand the business by the owned from supply aspect, distribution aspect and until delivering the product to the market. for example ; Pertamina. Pertamina handle form how to produce the oil and then they filter it and after that they sell it into the market.
- Horizontal Integration : it is one of strategies to expand the business in same sector. for example a big company merger or franchising to make their market larger.
- Internal Marketing : it is the process occur within company that arrange about employee satisfaction, strategy of the company, management of the company, tighten the links between employee brand experience and customer brand satisfaction and also to make good deliver to the customer.

9 January 2012(1st Meeting), By Mrs. Maya Ariyanti

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