Senin, 16 Januari 2012

Research Methodology

Hyphotetico Deductive

- Hypothetico Deductive :
It is a process of observation that proposed thing to observe, research, analyze and testing whether it is right or not. An Observation that contrary with the prediction we call it as a evidence that against the hypothesis but hypothesis that run with the prediction it is as corroborating the hypothesis. We can conclude that in the process Hypothetico Deductive, it consists of two sides they are :
1. Contrary Observation that evidence against Prediction.
2. Corroborating Observation that run in line with the prediction.

- hypothetico consists of two :
1. Inductive  => It is a condition where the we become the object and all around comes to hypothesis to observe, testing whether it is suit or not.
2. Deductive => It is a condition which we come to the to object and observe it. This process also as the step to develop theory to the hypothesis, after the theory has been done it will jump to hypothetico inductive which is to test with the hypothesis.

- Types of Research :
1. Applied Research => It is a research that deal to solve a problem that generally occur in the employees or in the organization. Applied Research is empirical data (Data gain by observation and Experiment)
2. Basic Research => research to generate a body of knowledge by trying to comprehend / understand how certain the problems occur in organization and to solve it. It understand the process of the object, how does it operate, how does it respond to the others.

Deductive and Inductive thinking Video :

Glossary :
- Empirical : The word empirical denotes information gained by means of observation or experimentation.
- Social science : Social science is the field of study concerned with society[1] and human behavior. "Social science" is commonly used as an umbrella term to refer to a plurality of fields outside of the natural sciences, usually excluding the administrative or managerial sciences.
12 January (1st Meeting), by Mrs. Ria Mudomo

1 komentar:

  1. bro, tolong dong tambahin materinya doong soalnya ini tuh ngebantu banget bro! thanks ya!
